Saturday, August 30, 2014

Conquering Rome ...

Or should I say Rome conquering me. Jet lag - a 9 hour time difference really does affect you - throw in the heat and humidity of Rome (I now understand why Romans shut down in August) and I suffered.  After we survived the drive from the airport to our hotel (it appears that all Rome taxi drivers think they're Mario Andretti) we crashed in our hotel room and after forgetting to place a wakeup call we missed a whole 24 hours and the tour I booked.  Apparently I don't travel as well as I used to.  I rearranged our tour for the next day and we set out to find the Coliseum.  I found that Rome is a strange puzzle.  You're assaulted with contrasts - amazing Roman architecture which I love and the most delicious cooking smells, which don't disappoint (I'm convinced that Roman's are the best cooks in the world - they really know how to eat), and then you're assaulted by the intense smell of urine, beggars and street vendors.  And then there is the pollution.  I tended to take pictures on an upward angle I noticed when I returned.  At least that way I was able to prevent the crowds from walking into my shots and eliminate the negative aspects of Rome.  I was also disappointed to find out that a lot of the monuments in Rome are under repairs.  If you're planning a trip I recommend you go sometime next year when they'll be completed.  This didn't stop me from seeing the details and admiring the beauty of the ancient city.  Still jet lag wiped me out this time more than ever.  I was also dealing with puffiness everywhere after the flight so walking a lot which you do in Rome was a strain.  I will however admit that it was good for me and I found my stride by the time we left.
Typical street in more affluent area of Rome
Just up the street from our hotel was the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore

Side entrance - I was struck by the amazing doors in Rome - very heavy and then leading into the inner area which leads from there to the inner apartments.  

I never went in, but this is the interior of this amazing church set in a really beautiful palazzo complete with the prerequisite fountain. 

This was my favourite building in Rome - just across from the church.  The architecture was a real draw for me.  I would love to see behind those shutters.


On our way to the Coliseum - how do those trees grow so high up there? 
Next up - The Coliseum and Forum....

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