Thursday, April 17, 2014

Finally it's the Easter Long Weekend

This long weekend felt like it would never, ever get here.  I've actually had to scrape snow off my car this week but I'm spending this weekend finally packing up the last of the winter clothing and breaking out spring outfits - well the one's I can get into anyway.

The recent discovery of a new Faberge egg and one of the original eggs, helped me decide on my theme for this Easter. 

How it ended up over here is a story in itself that we'll probably never know. But welcome back from obscurity.  No matter what you may think of the Romanov Empire, you have to admire the stunningly beautiful and romantic tradition of the Royal Faberge eggs.  Click on the links to find out more about the eggs and their personal history.
The eggs shown are not all of the eggs by any means, just my personal favorites in no particular order.  Enjoy the beauty, the opulence and the craftsmanship.



I love this one and I'm not alone - presented to Prince Albert II in honour of his Silver Jubilee, Princess Grace quickly snapped it up for herself and it sat on the desk of her personal study where it remained until it was inherited by Prince Albert III. 


The little bird on top sings.
The peacock in the tree can be removed and wound up where it struts and fans its feathers.

There are so many more and this site has a great history about each of them.  It's a great read.
But here's the little guy that started the tradition.
And last but not least the last egg before World War I which ended the over-the-top Imperial Eggs.
There were a few others (including one that wasn't completed as Faberge was forced to close it's doors).  Given conditions in Russia during the First World War and after, the eggs were kept patriotic, austere and modest in comparison. 

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