Saturday, June 9, 2012

Explanation Time

For those who follow me, I think it's time for an explanation.  I had been pretty busy on this blog for quite awhile befor running into some computer issues.  Resolved, I was ready to move on, but it was not to be.  My new computer is fine, it's the insane life I lead that isn't.  I started this blog as a place for a sense of calm, serenity and peace and once again my life is anything but... to the point that I haven't even got time to post anymore.  Oh I'm not quitting - it will just be less frequent.  However I have a really good excuse...

Image - Williams Sonoma

As previously stated my father has been diagnosed with a serious illness.  Specifically ALS or Lou Gehrigs Disease.  Anyone familiar with this disease will realize that its a fatal disease that is both cruel and frustrating to the victim and everyone associated with it.  Its hits each victim differently but in my fathers case it appears to be moving quite quickly.  So much so that its been difficult to keep up.  Recently my father moved in with me in order to help care for him until his time comes.  As such major changes have taken place in our lives.  Renovations have been put on hold and other renovations and construction are taking place to adjust to my fathers disability needs.  As the main caregiver in the family who also works full time you can imagine how little free time I have anymore.  So forgive me my lapse in blogging and remember I am still out here and will continue whenever possible.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear about your dad's illness. My prayers are with you and with your family.
