Saturday, June 30, 2012

What type of Flowering Plant is This?

I'm wondering if anyone can tell me what type of flowering plant this is on this balcony?  I love the white flowers and think it would be great to do something like this on my deck out back.

Image source unknown.


Friday, June 29, 2012

What Time is it? #12 - Gift with Purchase

I grew up on the water so all things nautical have a warm place in my heart particularly at this time of the year.  Throw in a gift with purchase as beautiful as this and I seriously can't resist.  Well until I check out the price tag.

Since 2009, Swiss watch Manufacturer Frédérique Constant celebrates the legendary Runabout yachts of the roaring 20s by offering an attractive series of limited edition timepieces named “Runabout”.  Traditionally, each Runabout timepiece comes with its own luxurious, handmade wooden case that echoes the passionate craftsmanship of the yachts.
Alongside the watch, a miniature reproduction of a classic Runabout boat can be found inside the unique gift box.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Making Time for Breakfast

I've been so bad lately,  I've been so busy taking care of everyone else's needs in the family that I simply don't have time for a proper breakfast.  Today example a quick danish wolfed down at my desk at work when no one was around.  Seriously why do woman make sure that their family's are well provided and give ourselves the short end of the stick.  Lately I've been especially bad and my waist band is starting to show it.  Stress I know, but still....

Now this is my kind of breakfast.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I'm Fast Becoming a Fan

I've been admiring the designs by Elle Saab for quite some time now and find myself drawn to almost everything he designs so far in both couture and ready to wear.  I know he's been popular for a while but I tend to take my time until I'm consistently impressed and then latch on.  I'm just that way.

But it's the dreamy pieces he designs for spring that I love the most with their delicate quality. I wish I had somewhere to wear this sort of thing.

Such beautiful detail work.

Can you image wearing this beautiful wedding gown? 

Born in Lebanon he's been designing clothes since he was nine years old and the quality of his work is beyond amazing.  This man has so much talent.  Can you imagine how lucky his sisters must be?

Designer Elle Saab

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Such a Delicate Touch

I'm trying to decide if this ring/bracelet would drive me crazy or not.  It's so delicate and pretty but would I get used to it?

Monday, June 25, 2012

Ahhhhh - So Cute

Yes I'm in a super sweet, cute, sugary kind of mood today.  So I'm upping the Ahhh factor today with some of my favourite animal shots by Photographer Mark Taylor.  From his studio in Southeast England he takes some adorable pictures of animals that only someone with a natural photographic eye (and a way with animals) could possibly capture.  He comes by it naturally - his mother was Jane Burton.

Seriously - doesn't this bring out your warm and fuzzy side?

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Thank you for Your Encouragement

This goes out to the wonderful contacts I've made through blogging.  Thank you so much for your support during this tough time.  I appreciate all of your encouragement and have decided to try and continue blogging as much as I can and see where this year takes me.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

First Year for A Serene Life For Me

Today is bitter sweet for me.  It's been one year since I started this blog purely out of curiousity to see if it was something I would like.  I enjoyed it and found a spot that would reflect who I am or would like to be if the world would just cooperate.... At any rate, a calm, serene place where I could escape to relax and touch base with the inner me.  As it turned out this year was one that dramatically change the face of my life in so many ways both good and bad.

Image source tumblr.

There have been so many changes that I wouldn't know where to start so I won't.  Instead I'll just say that it's been an interesting year that's taught me a lot. 

Today is also Father's Day and since it may be the last one I have with my father I'm planning on spending as much time with him as possible for the next while. 

To continue - that is the question.  I'll leave that up to you.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A Private Waterfront Home - Katherine Hepburn

Not long ago, Katherine Hepburn's waterfront home Saybrook Estate was put on the market.  I'm not sure if anyone bought it but I loved it.  The original home was in trouble and needed to be entirely lifted and a face lift was in order to bring the house more up to date.  Frankly given her high cheekbones and the overall outcome I don't Katherine would have objected.  It's a bit overly white but a coat of paint here and there and some personal touches and it would be a lovely home.  Frankly I like white so I would take it as is ... if I had that kind of money.

Katherine Hepburn

For additional images check out Hooked on Houses

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Great Day to Drive with the Top Down

You couldn't ask for a better day for a drive to the beach or out into the country with the top down and the wind blowing through your hair.  Today it's very much needed.  Are you ready?

Image - Ralph Lauren

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Explanation Time

For those who follow me, I think it's time for an explanation.  I had been pretty busy on this blog for quite awhile befor running into some computer issues.  Resolved, I was ready to move on, but it was not to be.  My new computer is fine, it's the insane life I lead that isn't.  I started this blog as a place for a sense of calm, serenity and peace and once again my life is anything but... to the point that I haven't even got time to post anymore.  Oh I'm not quitting - it will just be less frequent.  However I have a really good excuse...

Image - Williams Sonoma

As previously stated my father has been diagnosed with a serious illness.  Specifically ALS or Lou Gehrigs Disease.  Anyone familiar with this disease will realize that its a fatal disease that is both cruel and frustrating to the victim and everyone associated with it.  Its hits each victim differently but in my fathers case it appears to be moving quite quickly.  So much so that its been difficult to keep up.  Recently my father moved in with me in order to help care for him until his time comes.  As such major changes have taken place in our lives.  Renovations have been put on hold and other renovations and construction are taking place to adjust to my fathers disability needs.  As the main caregiver in the family who also works full time you can imagine how little free time I have anymore.  So forgive me my lapse in blogging and remember I am still out here and will continue whenever possible.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Summer Makeup

It's time to stock up on some summer makeup.  I'm thinking a soft glow this year. 

Friday, June 1, 2012

Are You Ready for Summer?

I am this winter was particularly rough for me and I'm so looking forward to some relaxing activities and vacations.  For inspiration I love this soft summery wind blown look with the scarf tying hair back from the face.